Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Forever Always: The Beginning

by Jason & Jessica

Well Amen. This is Jason now, (if you couldn't figure that out by now), and its my first time on the blog, which by the way I think is a fabulous idea. Of course, it was the brainstorm and brilliant idea of my beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, amazing, awesome, and VERY smart girlfriend! So now as we start this entry we've decided, for the sake of those who don't know already, to tell the story of the grace and sovereignty of God that made it possible for the two of us to be together right now. And even if you don't want to hear it, we're gonna tell it anyways because I like to tell it! But in order to start it right, Jessica needs to begin...

(This is Jessica) Well, once upon a time in a land far away... hehe. Just kidding. Well, it all started I suppose when one of my friends, Cassie, got Jason's number off a phone and decided that it would be oh so much fun to prank text some people. I decided to go along with it. Now we had met Jason once before at Thanksgiving, but he didn't have a clue who was texting him when we sent our texts. Eventually, he figured out who we were and gave me a call. We've been together ever since! Now back to Jason...

Boy. She's so precise and to the point. If only she was like that when we're talking on the phone! But anyways... Yes thats how it happened, believe it or not. A couple of prank texts that were getting really annoying, and a 13 hour drive from Missouri to Colorado produced the sweetest relationship that God ever put together. (I figured out who she was on that 13 hour drive just in case you were wondering. And I even forgot her name!) Its pretty amazing to think about and I thank God every day for what He has done in our lives, and the way He has shown us how real He is. He's pretty awesome! Amen! Now here's Jessica for the last word.(As usual! ;) )...

This was our first picture together (Youth Conference 2007)

I guess I should finish with the fact that we made it through last summer (2007) over the phone (we got to see each other at Youth Conference, though) and continued our relationship through a whole year of college! Well, I guess I'll end this just by saying how amazing it is that God can use even the tiniest things for His good. I mean, who would think that sending a few prank text messages could change a person's life! It just goes to show you not to take any decisions for granted - even the tiniest ones! Because they could turn out to be the most important. But anyway, I guess that's the end of this story for now and you're probably tired of reading our book. So, I will end with saying goodbye and thanks for sticking around to read all of this!


miranda said...

this is so neat ! U two have an incredible story and are such a sweet couple !
And jessica you are so talanted

Jessica Lynn said...

Awe, thanks Miranda! Hehe. You and Dan are so cute too! ;)



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